analysis of complex survey samples

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Documentation for package ‘survey’ version 3.24

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A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W misc

-- A --

anova.svyloglin Loglinear models
api Student performance in California schools
apiclus1 Student performance in California schools
apiclus2 Student performance in California schools
apipop Student performance in California schools
apisrs Student performance in California schools
apistrat Student performance in California schools
as.fpc Package sample and population size data
as.matrix.repweights Compress replicate weight matrix
as.matrix.repweights_compressed Compress replicate weight matrix
as.svrepdesign Convert a survey design to use replicate weights
as.svydesign2 Update to the new survey design format
as.vector.repweights_compressed Compress replicate weight matrix

-- B --

barplot.svrepstat Barplots and Dotplots
barplot.svyby Barplots and Dotplots
barplot.svystat Barplots and Dotplots
biplot.svyprcomp Sampling-weighted principal component analysis
bootstratum Compute survey bootstrap weights
bootweights Compute survey bootstrap weights
brrweights Compute replicate weights

-- C --

cal.linear Calibration metrics
cal.logit Calibration metrics
cal.raking Calibration metrics
calibrate Calibration (GREG) estimators
calibrate.survey.design2 Calibration (GREG) estimators Calibration (GREG) estimators
calibrate.twophase Calibration (GREG) estimators
close.DBIsvydesign Open and close DBI connections
close.ODBCsvydesign Open and close DBI connections
coef.svrepstat Summary statistics for sample surveys
coef.svyby Survey statistics on subsets
coef.svyglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models.
coef.svyloglin Loglinear models
coef.svymle Maximum pseudolikelihood estimation in complex surveys
coef.svyratio Ratio estimation
coef.svystat Summary statistics for sample surveys
compressWeights Compress replicate weight matrix
compressWeights.default Compress replicate weight matrix
compressWeights.repweights_compressed Compress replicate weight matrix Compress replicate weight matrix
confint.svrepstat Summary statistics for sample surveys
confint.svyby Survey statistics on subsets
confint.svyglm Confidence intervals for regression parameters
confint.svykm Estimate survival function.
confint.svyratio Ratio estimation
confint.svystat Summary statistics for sample surveys
crowd Household crowding
cv Summary statistics for sample surveys
cv.default Summary statistics for sample surveys
cv.svrepratio Summary statistics for sample surveys
cv.svrepstat Summary statistics for sample surveys
cv.svyratio Summary statistics for sample surveys
cv.svystat Summary statistics for sample surveys

-- D --

deff Summary statistics for sample surveys
deff.default Summary statistics for sample surveys
deff.svyby Survey statistics on subsets
degf Contingency tables for survey data
degf.survey.design2 Contingency tables for survey data Contingency tables for survey data
degf.twophase Contingency tables for survey data
dim.DBIsvydesign Dimensions of survey designs
dim.ODBCsvydesign Dimensions of survey designs
dim.repweights_compressed Compress replicate weight matrix Dimensions of survey designs
dim.svyimputationList Dimensions of survey designs Dimensions of survey designs
dim.twophase Dimensions of survey designs
dimnames.DBIsvydesign Dimensions of survey designs
dimnames.ODBCsvydesign Dimensions of survey designs
dimnames.repweights_compressed Compress replicate weight matrix Dimensions of survey designs
dimnames.svyimputationList Dimensions of survey designs Dimensions of survey designs
dimnames.twophase Dimensions of survey designs
dotchart Barplots and Dotplots
dotchart.svrepstat Barplots and Dotplots
dotchart.svyby Barplots and Dotplots
dotchart.svystat Barplots and Dotplots

-- E --

election US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
election_insample US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
election_jointHR US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
election_jointprob US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
election_pps US 2004 presidential election data at state or county level
estWeights Estimated weights for missing data Estimated weights for missing data
estWeights.twophase Estimated weights for missing data

-- F --

fpc Small survey example
ftable.svrepstat Lay out tables of survey statistics
ftable.svyby Lay out tables of survey statistics
ftable.svystat Lay out tables of survey statistics

-- G --

grake Calibration (GREG) estimators

-- H --

hadamard Hadamard matrices
hospital Sample of obstetric hospitals
HR Wrappers for specifying PPS designs

-- I -- Specify survey design with replicate weights
is.hadamard Paley-type Hadamard matrices

-- J --

jk1weights Compute replicate weights
jknweights Compute replicate weights
joinCells Experimental: Construct non-response weights

-- L --

lines.svykm Estimate survival function.
lines.svysmooth Scatterplot smoothing and density estimation

-- M --

make.calfun Calibration metrics
make.formula Summary statistics for sample surveys
make.panel.svysmooth Scatterplot smoothing and density estimation
marginpred Standardised predictions (predictive margins) for regression models.
marginpred.svycoxph Standardised predictions (predictive margins) for regression models.
marginpred.svyglm Standardised predictions (predictive margins) for regression models.
marginpred.svykmlist Standardised predictions (predictive margins) for regression models. Specify survey design with replicate weights
model.frame.twophase Two-phase designs
mu284 Two-stage sample from MU284
multistage Variance estimation for multistage surveys
multistage.phase1 Two-phase designs

-- N -- Survey sample analysis.
na.exclude.twophase Two-phase designs Survey sample analysis. Two-phase designs Survey sample analysis.
na.omit.twophase Two-phase designs
neighbours Experimental: Construct non-response weights
nonresponse Experimental: Construct non-response weights

-- O --

onestage Computations for survey variances
onestage.phase1 Two-phase designs
onestrat Computations for survey variances
onestrat.phase1 Two-phase designs
open.DBIsvydesign Open and close DBI connections
open.ODBCsvydesign Open and close DBI connections

-- P --

paley Paley-type Hadamard matrices
pchisqsum Distribution of quadratic forms
pFsum Distribution of quadratic forms
plot.svycdf Cumulative Distribution Function
plot.svykm Estimate survival function.
plot.svykmlist Estimate survival function.
plot.svysmooth Scatterplot smoothing and density estimation
postStratify Post-stratify a survey Post-stratify a survey Post-stratify a survey
postStratify.twophase Post-stratify a survey
ppsmat Wrappers for specifying PPS designs
predict.svycoxph Survey-weighted Cox models.
predict.svyglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models.
predict.svyratio Ratio estimation
predict.svyratio_separate Ratio estimation
print.anova.svyloglin Loglinear models
print.nonresponse Experimental: Construct non-response weights
print.nonresponseSubset Experimental: Construct non-response weights
print.regTermTest Wald test for a term in a regression model Specify survey design with replicate weights
print.summary.svytable Contingency tables for survey data
print.summary.twophase Two-phase designs
print.svycdf Cumulative Distribution Function
print.svymle Maximum pseudolikelihood estimation in complex surveys
print.svyquantile Quantiles for sample surveys
print.svyratio Ratio estimation
print.svyratio_separate Ratio estimation Specify survey design with replicate weights
print.svysmooth Scatterplot smoothing and density estimation
print.twophase Two-phase designs

-- Q --

quantile.svykm Estimate survival function.

-- R --

rake Raking of replicate weight design
regTermTest Wald test for a term in a regression model
residuals.svrepglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models.
residuals.svyglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models.

-- S --

scd Survival in cardiac arrest
SE Extract standard errors
SE.default Extract standard errors
SE.svrepstat Extract standard errors
SE.svyby Survey statistics on subsets
SE.svyquantile Quantiles for sample surveys
SE.svyratio Ratio estimation
sparseCells Experimental: Construct non-response weights
stratsample Take a stratified sample
subbootweights Compute survey bootstrap weights Subset of survey
subset.svyimputationList Analyse multiple imputations Subset of survey
subset.twophase Two-phase designs
summary.svrepglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models.
summary.svreptable Contingency tables for survey data
summary.svyglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models.
summary.svymle Maximum pseudolikelihood estimation in complex surveys Specify survey design with replicate weights
summary.svytable Contingency tables for survey data
summary.twophase Two-phase designs
survey.adjust.domain.lonely Options for the survey package
survey.drop.replicates Options for the survey package
survey.lonely.psu Options for the survey package
survey.multicore Options for the survey package
survey.ultimate.cluster Options for the survey package
survey.want.obsolete Options for the survey package
surveyoptions Options for the survey package
svrepdesign Specify survey design with replicate weights
svrepdesign.character Specify survey design with replicate weights
svrepdesign.default Specify survey design with replicate weights
svrepdesign.imputationList Specify survey design with replicate weights
svreptable Contingency tables for survey data
svrVar Compute variance from replicates
svy.varcoef Sandwich variance estimator for glms
svyboxplot Histograms and boxplots
svyby Survey statistics on subsets
svyby.default Survey statistics on subsets
svycdf Cumulative Distribution Function
svychisq Contingency tables for survey data Contingency tables for survey data Contingency tables for survey data
svyciprop Confidence intervals for proportions
svycontrast Linear and nonlinearconstrasts of survey statistics
svycoplot Conditioning plots of survey data
svycoxph Survey-weighted Cox models. Survey-weighted Cox models.
svycoxph.survey.design2 Survey-weighted Cox models. Survey-weighted Cox models.
svyCprod Computations for survey variances
svydesign Survey sample analysis.
svydesign.character Survey sample analysis.
svydesign.default Survey sample analysis.
svydesign.imputationList Survey sample analysis.
svyfactanal Factor analysis in complex surveys (experimental).
svyglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models. Survey-weighted generalised linear models. Survey-weighted generalised linear models.
svyhist Histograms and boxplots
svykappa Cohen's kappa for agreement
svykm Estimate survival function.
svyloglin Loglinear models
svymean Summary statistics for sample surveys Summary statistics for sample surveys
svymean.survey.design2 Summary statistics for sample surveys Summary statistics for sample surveys
svymean.twophase Summary statistics for sample surveys
svymle Maximum pseudolikelihood estimation in complex surveys
svyolr Proportional odds and related models
svyolr.survey.design2 Proportional odds and related models Proportional odds and related models
svyplot Plots for survey data
svyplot.default Plots for survey data
svyprcomp Sampling-weighted principal component analysis
svyquantile Quantiles for sample surveys Quantiles for sample surveys Quantiles for sample surveys
svyratio Ratio estimation Ratio estimation
svyratio.survey.design2 Ratio estimation Ratio estimation
svyratio.twophase Ratio estimation
svyrecvar Variance estimation for multistage surveys
svyrecvar.phase1 Two-phase designs
svysmooth Scatterplot smoothing and density estimation
svytable Contingency tables for survey data Contingency tables for survey data Contingency tables for survey data
svytotal Summary statistics for sample surveys Summary statistics for sample surveys
svytotal.survey.design2 Summary statistics for sample surveys Summary statistics for sample surveys
svytotal.twophase Summary statistics for sample surveys
svyttest Design-based t-test
svyvar Summary statistics for sample surveys Summary statistics for sample surveys Summary statistics for sample surveys

-- T --

trimWeights Trim sampling weights
trimWeights.survey.design2 Trim sampling weights Trim sampling weights
twophase Two-phase designs
twophase2var Two-phase designs
twophasevar Two-phase designs

-- U --

unwtd.count Survey statistics on subsets
update.DBIsvydesign Add variables to a survey design
update.ODBCsvydesign Add variables to a survey design Add variables to a survey design
update.svyloglin Loglinear models Add variables to a survey design
update.twophase Add variables to a survey design

-- V --

vcov.svrepstat Summary statistics for sample surveys
vcov.svyglm Survey-weighted generalised linear models.
vcov.svymle Maximum pseudolikelihood estimation in complex surveys
vcov.svystat Summary statistics for sample surveys

-- W --

weights.nonresponse Experimental: Construct non-response weights Survey design weights
weights.survey_fpc Survey design weights Survey design weights
with.svyimputationList Analyse multiple imputations
withReplicates Compute variances by replicate weighting

-- misc --

.svycheck Update to the new survey design format
[.nonresponse Experimental: Construct non-response weights
[.repweights_compressed Compress replicate weight matrix
[ Subset of survey
[ Specify survey design with replicate weights
[.twophase Two-phase designs