Computes linear or nonlinear contrasts of estimates produced by survey functions (or any object with coef and vcov methods).

svycontrast(stat, contrasts, add=FALSE, ...)



object of class svrepstat or svystat


A vector or list of vectors of coefficients, or a call or list of calls


keep all the coefficients of the input in the output?


For future expansion


Object of class svrepstat or svystat


If contrasts is a list, the element names are used as names for the returned statistics.

If an element of contrasts is shorter than coef(stat) and has names, the names are used to match up the vectors and the remaining elements of contrasts are assumed to be zero. If the names are not legal variable names (eg 0.1) they must be quoted (eg "0.1")

If contrasts is a "call" or list of "call"s, and stat is a svrepstat object including replicates, the replicates are transformed and used to compute the variance. If stat is a svystat object or a svrepstat object without replicates, the delta-method is used to compute variances, and the calls must use only functions that deriv knows how to differentiate. If the names are not legal variable names they must be quoted with backticks (eg `0.1`).

See also

regTermTest, svyglm


dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc)

a <- svytotal(~api00+enroll+api99, dclus1)
svycontrast(a, list(avg=c(0.5,0,0.5), diff=c(1,0,-1)))
#>      contrast     SE
#> avg   3874804 873276
#> diff   230363  54921
## if contrast vectors have names, zeroes may be omitted
svycontrast(a, list(avg=c(api00=0.5,api99=0.5), diff=c(api00=1,api99=-1)))
#>      contrast     SE
#> avg   3874804 873276
#> diff   230363  54921

## nonlinear contrasts
svycontrast(a, quote(api00/api99))
#>           nlcon     SE
#> contrast 1.0613 0.0062
svyratio(~api00, ~api99, dclus1)
#> Ratio estimator: svyratio.survey.design2(~api00, ~api99, dclus1)
#> Ratios=
#>          api99
#> api00 1.061273
#> SEs=
#>             api99
#> api00 0.006230831

## Example: standardised skewness coefficient
moments<-svymean(~I(api00^3)+I(api00^2)+I(api00), dclus1)
quote((`I(api00^3)`-3*`I(api00^2)`*`I(api00)`+ 3*`I(api00)`*`I(api00)`^2-`I(api00)`^3)/
#>              nlcon     SE
#> contrast -0.014253 0.2781

## Example: geometric means
## using delta method
meanlogs <- svymean(~log(api00)+log(api99), dclus1)
    list(api00=quote(exp(`log(api00)`)), api99=quote(exp(`log(api99)`))))
#>        nlcon     SE
#> api00 635.33 24.008
#> api99 596.18 24.529

## using delta method
meanlogs <- svymean(~log(api00)+log(api99), rclus1)
#>        nlcon     SE
#> api00 635.33 26.863
#> api99 596.18 27.302

## why is add=TRUE useful?

#>   stype    enroll       se
#> E     E 2109717.1 631349.4
#> H     H  535594.9 226716.6
#> M     M  759628.1 213635.5
totals1<-svycontrast(totals, list(total=c(1,1,1)), add=TRUE)

svycontrast(totals1, list(quote(E/total), quote(H/total), quote(M/total)))
#>       nlcon     SE
#> [1,] 0.6196 0.0657
#> [2,] 0.1573 0.0431
#> [3,] 0.2231 0.0412

totals2<-svycontrast(totals, list(total=quote(E+H+M)), add=TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE

## more complicated svyby
means <- svyby(~api00+api99, ~stype+sch.wide, design=dclus1, svymean,covmat=TRUE)
svycontrast(means, quote(`E.No:api00`-`E.No:api99`))
#>            nlcon     SE
#> contrast -5.3333 4.1177
svycontrast(means, quote(`E.No:api00`/`E.No:api99`))
#>            nlcon     SE
#> contrast 0.99114 0.0062

## transforming replicates
meanlogs_r <- svymean(~log(api00)+log(api99), rclus1, return.replicates=TRUE)
    list(api00=quote(exp(`log(api00)`)), api99=quote(exp(`log(api99)`))))
#>        nlcon     SE
#> api00 635.33 27.216
#> api99 596.18 27.659