The survey package works with the mitools package to analyze multiply-imputed data. Neither package performs multiple imputation -- creating the imputations is only useful when it incorporates situation-specific knowledge.

This example uses the NHANES III multiple imputation data sets. These can be downloaded from the NCHS website. For easy access I read the invariant 'core' data set and the five imputed data sets into R and saved them as six tables in a SQLite data base [SQLite is a small, efficient, relational database system designed for embedding in other software].

The following code establishes a connection to the database and defines a function that will load specified data variables together with the basic design variables. The function impload creates a SQL call to merge the relevant tables and extract the necessary variables.

> library(RSQLite)
Loading required package: DBI
> sql<-dbDriver('SQLite')
> conn<-dbConnect(sql,"~/nhanes/imp.db")
> impload<-function(impno, varlist){
+ 	basicvars<-c("SEQN","WTPFQX6","SDPPSU6","SDPSTRA6")
+ 	varlist<-unique(c(basicvars, varlist))
+ 	query<-paste("select",
+ 				paste(varlist,collapse=","),
+ 		     "from core inner join",
+ 				paste("imp",impno,sep=""),
+ 		     "using(SEQN)"
+ 			)
+ 	dbGetQuery(conn,query)
+ 	}
We can now use the impload function to load some variables, returning a list of five data frames
> a<-lapply(1:5, impload, varlist = c("DMPPIRMI", "HAB1MI", "BMPWTMI", "HTPMI", "HSAGEU"))
The mitools package provides imputationList objects to store multiple imputations and MIcombine to combine analyses. We load this as well as the survey package and define the design. When the data= argument is a imputationList the svydesign function creates a design from each data frame in the list, wrapping them in a svyimputationList object.
> library(mitools)	
> library(survey)
> des<-svydesign(id=~SDPPSU6, strat=~SDPSTRA6, weight=~WTPFQX6, data=imputationList(a), nest=TRUE)
> des
Multiple (5) imputations: svydesign(id = ~SDPPSU6, strat = ~SDPSTRA6, weight = ~WTPFQX6, 
    data = imputationList(a), nest = TRUE)
The with() function evaluates an expression in each of the survey designs. The expression should not have a design= argument; with will supply this. The result is a list of the results from evaluating the expression on each imputed data set.
> with(des,svymean(~factor(HAB1MI)))
                     mean     SE
factor(HAB1MI)-9 0.252690 0.0045
factor(HAB1MI)1  0.155718 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)2  0.229727 0.0055
factor(HAB1MI)3  0.244180 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)4  0.094067 0.0042
factor(HAB1MI)5  0.023618 0.0012

                     mean     SE
factor(HAB1MI)-9 0.252690 0.0045
factor(HAB1MI)1  0.155698 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)2  0.229850 0.0055
factor(HAB1MI)3  0.244229 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)4  0.093960 0.0042
factor(HAB1MI)5  0.023573 0.0012

                     mean     SE
factor(HAB1MI)-9 0.252690 0.0045
factor(HAB1MI)1  0.155698 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)2  0.229776 0.0055
factor(HAB1MI)3  0.244247 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)4  0.094015 0.0042
factor(HAB1MI)5  0.023574 0.0012

                     mean     SE
factor(HAB1MI)-9 0.252690 0.0045
factor(HAB1MI)1  0.155703 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)2  0.229776 0.0055
factor(HAB1MI)3  0.244131 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)4  0.094081 0.0042
factor(HAB1MI)5  0.023619 0.0012

                     mean     SE
factor(HAB1MI)-9 0.252690 0.0045
factor(HAB1MI)1  0.155771 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)2  0.229725 0.0055
factor(HAB1MI)3  0.244199 0.0053
factor(HAB1MI)4  0.094042 0.0042
factor(HAB1MI)5  0.023573 0.0012

with(des, svymean(~factor(HAB1MI), design = .design))
The MIcombine function will combine the imputations using Rubin's formulas for multiple imputation
> MIcombine(with(des,svymean(~factor(HAB1MI))))
Multiple imputation results:
      with(des, svymean(~factor(HAB1MI), design = .design))
      MIcombine.default(with(des, svymean(~factor(HAB1MI), design = .design)))
                    results          se
factor(HAB1MI)-9 0.25269038 0.004517595
factor(HAB1MI)1  0.15571741 0.005305464
factor(HAB1MI)2  0.22977088 0.005512850
factor(HAB1MI)3  0.24419700 0.005295214
factor(HAB1MI)4  0.09403291 0.004217146
factor(HAB1MI)5  0.02359142 0.001204157
Despite the imputation, 25% of the population have a self-rated health score of "-9: not applicable". We want to model the score and need to drop these people. Subsetting a svyimputationList will subset each of the designs. This only makes sense if the subset is the same in each design. We then fit an ordinal logistic regression model
> d2<-subset(des, HAB1MI>0 & HTPMI>0)
> m<-with(d2,svyolr(factor(HAB1MI)~DMPPIRMI+HTPMI))
> summary(MIcombine(m))
Multiple imputation results:
      with(d2, svyolr(factor(HAB1MI) ~ DMPPIRMI + HTPMI, design = .design))
              results          se      (lower       upper) missInfo
DMPPIRMI -0.280006228 0.013562816 -0.30665260 -0.253359860      9 %
HTPMI    -0.005420265 0.005167879 -0.01555286  0.004712328      4 %
1|2      -2.491489515 0.231998740 -2.94647032 -2.036508707      5 %
2|3      -1.010728440 0.051244821 -1.13868608 -0.882770804     88 %
3|4       0.689929257 0.049224319  0.56774814  0.812110374     88 %
4|5       2.472879433 0.052792399  2.35080035  2.594958519     77 %
If the subset differs between the multiple imputations the default is to take the observations that are in the subset for any imputations, with a warning.
>  d3<-subset(des, HAB1MI>3)
Warning message:
In subset.svyimputationList(des, HAB1MI > 3) :
  subset differed between imputations
> with(d3, svymean(~I(HAB1MI>3)))
                         mean    SE
I(HAB1MI > 3)FALSE 0.00062956 3e-04
I(HAB1MI > 3)TRUE  0.99937044 3e-04

                        mean    SE
I(HAB1MI > 3)FALSE 0.0019136 9e-04
I(HAB1MI > 3)TRUE  0.9980864 9e-04

                        mean    SE
I(HAB1MI > 3)FALSE 0.0014394 8e-04
I(HAB1MI > 3)TRUE  0.9985606 8e-04

                         mean    SE
I(HAB1MI > 3)FALSE 0.00050023 5e-04
I(HAB1MI > 3)TRUE  0.99949977 5e-04

                        mean    SE
I(HAB1MI > 3)FALSE 0.0012232 8e-04
I(HAB1MI > 3)TRUE  0.9987768 8e-04

with(d3, svymean(~I(HAB1MI > 3), design = .design))
To keep only those observations in the subset for all imputations use the all=TRUE argument to subset