Tests in contingency tables

R implements two types of test for association in two-way tables, each with further variants. The first type is tests based on the Pearson chi-squared statistic, using theory developed by JNK Rao and Scott. (Annals of Statistics 12:46-60).

A X^2 statistic computed from an estimated population table is too large, because the effective sample size is much smaller than the population size. Even after rescaling, its distribution is not exactly chi-squared. However, a chi-squared or F distribution for the rescaled statistic give reasonable approximations. The default is the F distribution, the "second-order Rao-Scott adjustment".

Using the dclus1 design object constructed in an earlier example we examine whether the proportion of schools meeting their "school-wide growth target" is different by school type. We use the default second-order adjustment and the first-order adjustment (the chi-squared approximation).

 > svytable(~sch.wide + stype, dclus1)
 sch.wide         E         H         M
      No   406.1640  101.5410  270.7760
      Yes 4467.8035  372.3170  575.3989

 > svychisq(~sch.wide + stype, dclus1)

         Pearson's X^2: Rao & Scott adjustment

 data:  svychisq(~sch.wide + stype, dclus1)
 F = 5.1934, ndf = 1.495, ddf = 20.925, p-value = 0.02175

 > svychisq(~sch.wide + stype, dclus1, statistic = "Chisq")

         Pearson's X^2: Rao & Scott adjustment

 data:  svychisq(~sch.wide + stype, dclus1, statistic = "Chisq")
 X-squared = 11.9409, df = 2, p-value = 0.005553

The other type of test is a Wald test based on the differences between the observed cell counts and those expected under independence (Koch et al, International Statistical Review 43: 59-78). I believe the statistic="Wald" test is the one used by SUDAAN. Using statistic="adjWald" reduces the statistic when the number of PSUs is small compared to the number of degrees of freedom. Rao & Thomas (JASA 82:630-636) recommend the adjusted version.

 > svychisq(~sch.wide+stype, dclus1, statistic="adjWald")
         Design-based Wald test of association

 data:  svychisq(~sch.wide + stype, dclus1, statistic = "adjWald")
 F = 2.2296, ndf = 2, ddf = 13, p-value = 0.1471

 > svychisq(~sch.wide+stype, dclus1, statistic="Wald")

         Design-based Wald test of association

 data:  svychisq(~sch.wide + stype, dclus1, statistic = "Wald")
 F = 2.4011, ndf = 2, ddf = 14, p-value = 0.1269
Both types of test are also available for designs with replicate weights. As the number of clusters is not available with replicate weights the degrees of freedom are based on the rank of the matrix of replicate weights.
Thomas Lumley
Last modified: Fri Sep 2 13:54:46 PDT 2005